What? You didn’t think there’d be police infiltrators (or would-be infiltrators) at Occupy TO? Watch this, naïve soul…
Yeah, guys, you’re so discreet with your butch haircuts, your steroid builds, and your earpieces and walkie-talkies and cute widdle cellphone cameras. Next time, just wear your uniforms; it’s not as though you don’t stick out like sore thumbs anyway.
The only way these jacklegs could be undercover in this crowd is to have a tarp thrown over their heads. Oh wait! Halloween is over! Oh well guys, better hope for a sleet storm or a blizzard. Then you can trot out the undercover tarp. But PLEASE, guys, leave off the Toronto Police badge symbol off the tarp. Off your jacket would be a good idea too.
Jim, you made my morning with that. I’m going to have to make sure not to drink any tea while reading your comments…I can’t afford a new monitor. Or a new nose!