Venezuelan justice minister Néstor Reverol plays back audio of some highly incriminating phone calls between members of the Salvadoran terror cell that attempted to disrupt next Sunday’s presidential election. Here’s the story:
“Capriles has managed to find safe places, for our people…the team is already there, they tell me, and they’re working in groups to disorient the vote.”
This can be heard clearly in a telephone call between an ex-colonel from the Salvadoran Armed Forces (FAES), David Koch Arana, who is currently in Venezuela, ad the director of the right-wing Salvadoran ARENA party, Roberto D’Aubuisson, which took place between March 23 and 25 of this year.
The videos of the interference and the links between these Salvadoran mercenaries and the right-wing candidate Capriles Radonski, were presented by Minister Néstor Reverol, who played back both conversations.
On March 23, both Salvadoran agents confirmed that they had seen the reports on Capriles Radoski, whom they secretly identify as “C”, and two days later, they conversed at length in a phone call which implied immediate danger for the stability of Venezuela, which went as follows:
“Did you tell them that they’d be making like we’re working in the campaigns here? …Be careful, remember they already offered their support if they win, and that would be good for us,” says D’Aubuisson.
Koch Arana warns D’Aubuisson that the Venezuelan government already has information of the presence of these groups, so they have to be careful.
“They’ve started a hunt and supposedly they’ll inform the State that there are foreigners interfering in their political affairs,” says the Salvadoran ex-colonel.
The right-wing politician, D’Aubuisson, calms him down, saying that Capriles already has safe houses for them, but warns that it’s necessary to co-ordinate both groups because they are apparently unknown in Venezuela.
“I don’t know how the groups they sent are operating here, but I hope they don’t clash or have a conflict, since they don’t know each other. I’ll talk to them to see how they’re organizing, so they’re identified,” says D’Aubuisson.
Minister Reverol also showed the photo of another mercenary, identified as Julio Alberto Cornejo Quintanilla, who, according to intelligence reports, is already in Venezuela and is tasked with co-ordinating both shock groups.
Reverol assured that the Venezuelan government will not let mercenary groups destabilize the country and the April 14 elections. He confirmed that the security forces of the state are on the trail of the mercenaries and will execute raids and all necessary measures to prevent the plans of the destabilizing groups from coming to fruition.
Translation mine.
Let’s hope D’Aubuisson and Koch Arana are wetting their pants accordingly; the Venezuelan authorities are now on their tails. I hope they get the raids on camera for VTV, too.
And let’s hope they and Majunche are also wetting their pants over this incriminating info-dump about their little buddies in the bogus opposition “student” group, JAVU:
Operation Sovereignty
Plan of Action and Resistance of the United Active Youth of Venezuela (JAVU) for April 14, 2013
We’re just a few days away from a presidential election which from the start has been one of the most unjust and unequal of all time, while the Cuban government tightens its control on our nation by way of its principal puppet, the usurper Nicolás Maduro.
We call on all Venezuelans to overcome fear. We have demonstrated that when we demand with firmness and force, we achieve our objectives.
Giving up will never be an option. They will have to roll right over us if they think they can violate the constitution and abuse and take advantage of us without consequence, because:
1. No Venezuelan could be in agreement with such an embarrassment of a Defense Minister who bows down before the Brothers Castro and makes partisans of our Armed Forces.
2. No Venezuelan could be in agreement with a criminal Electoral Council, accomplice of opportunism and the principal party responsible for robbing Venezuelans of a free and fair electoral process.
3. No Venezuelan could be in agreement with a Supreme Tribunal of Justice which violates the Constitution, criminalizes protests, and legitimates the power of an usurper.
4. And above all, no Venezuelan could support an usurper who abuses the resources of the State, holds national broadcasts to campaign, and is afraid to publicly debate his ideas and proposals before the country.
This April 14, we will confront an unjust battle, but we’ll put up a fight, because beyond being the way to overcome our political differences, that day represents the opportunity to recuperate the constitution peacefully and reclaim the history they have tried to manipulate.
The international community should not be an accomplice to violations of international human rights treaties, but we’ll take care of ourselves, the Venezuelan people will fight for our rights.
We will take over the streets for civil disobedience by ay means necessary, because we know that you get respect when you overcome fear. Let the government make no mistake: We will never bow down before their power, the democratic student movement will never accept electio results that have been biased from the start.
We know that opportunity comes to us by the electoral way, but the electoral powers seek to manipulate the results to keep this illegitimate and usurping government in power. For that reason, JAVU, along with the political, economic and shock forces of the opposition, will not recognize said results. We call for civil resistance in the streets and, in this manner, we will make them respect the votes of the oppressed majority who want a change of government. There is no chance whatsoever that the usurper will win these elections unless the electoral organism helps him steal them.
We also will not recognize any opposition director or political organization that takes part in the deception. Any opposition speaker who calls for us to accept the results of the electoral fraud will be considered a paid stooge of this illegitimate government, and we will turn our methods against him.
Our civil democratic society must not forget that this national crisis is the absolute responsibility of the late Hugo Chávez, who tried in his day to take political power via a coup d’état and, in the same totalitarian spirit, consigned Venezuela to division, backwardness and Castro-communist dictatorship. We emphatically reject the electoral measures that the Democratic Unity Table has put forward and in which, as usual, they evade confrontation with the figure of Chávez.
Chavez is the sole party responsible for this sad reality, and we must not hide this fact. God gave us this new opportunity to put this country on the road to democracy once more!
For that reason, it is our duty as active citizens, from all of civil society, to aid in the development of the lines of action expressed here.
All of us must be part of Operation Sovereignty!
Long live Venezuela! Long live Venezuelan youth!
Lines of action to follow for the activation of Operation Sovereignty, April 14, 2013.
In the event of an electoral pronunciation in favor of the ruling party, JAVU will activate a Plan of Civil Resistance on three fronts:
1. Takeover of strategic public spaces in the most important cities of the land. These takeovers must be conducted efficiently, effectively, and quickly, after the Electoral Commission gives the election results, in such a way that the police forces are taken by surprise and unable to react. Also, they must be accompanied by protests (burning of tires and garbage, construction of barricades, and whatever other method.) This action will permit us to economically strangle the urban centers, as we will be stopping the distribution of foods and supplies, as well as the flow of fuel at service stations.
2. Creation of an opinion matrix of delegitimization of the Electoral Commission, the national government, the Armed Forces, the Judicial and Moral Powers, and the political parties, using the social networks. Our opinion leaders on Twitter and Facebook already are in the thick of things and know the lines to follow. The production of message content is our job and will be made known in a pertinent manner. The intention of this front is to replicate our messages as many times as possible and mobilize civil society to action in the streets of every city.
3. Execution of the Selective Social Boycott plan. On this front, we will be visiting governmental institutions and homes of government spokespeople in the most important cities, where we will take over governments and mayoralties that are in the hands of the ruling party. In this phase we count on the support of spokespeople authorized by the Catholic Church and the media who will legtimate our actions. We are establishing contacts with various officials from the National Democratic Armed Forces for a military uprising afterwards.
As the hours go by we hope that political and economic strangulation, as well as media power, will allow us to generate enough street-level support in civil society. In the first phase we will establish a New Parallel Government and will profess the existence of a Double Sovereignty with the intention of tipping civil society in our favor, via an opinion matrix based in the search for a union of said governments and mayoralties under our democratic leadership and the union of all Venezuelans.
Protest manual for street takeovers:
When the CNE announces the election results, move quickly to the strategic points of protest.
Wear comfortable clothing and bring the following: portable radios, vinegar, smartphones, cameras, drinking water, flashlights, lighters, caps and ski masks that can be worn like hoods, slingshots, gasoline, flammable products, and objects that can be used in self-defence.
Leave all personal documents at home.
Arrive at protest points on foot or by taxi. Don’t bring your car.
Come prepared to fight for Freedom and Democracy.[List of cities and protest locations snipped for brevity.]
Translation mine.
As you can see, JAVU embodies the ironies of the “opposition youth” to the fullest. They talk about a government not respecting the constitution: WHICH constitution? The old, invalid one of 1961, which was scrapped in favor of the democratically written and ratified Bolivarian constitution of 1999? The Bolivarian constitution, promulgated by the same government these punks refuse to recognize as legitimate, even though it’s been elected, re-elected, and ratified by the people, as well as former US president Jimmy Carter himself?
What a fucking joke.
And then there are their “peaceful” protest methods. Burning tires, burning garbage, blocked roadways, and direct attempts, by preventing the flow of food, supplies and fuel, to starve out the people who voted for something other than imperial fascism. Straight out of Plan Guarimba, naturally. Gene Sharp, why are you not speaking out against this blatant misreading of your own widdle protest manual? Oh — that’s right, you’re against socialism. I forgot. Silly me!
Most intriguing of all is the allusion to their contacts within the media, the church, and the armed forces (notice how they don’t use the correct formal term of reference, which would be the Bolivarian National Armed Forces, or FANB for short.) In other words, the opposition media, the Roman Catholic hierarchy, and a certain sector of the Venezuelan armed forces is either covertly or overtly putschist, and not prepared to recognize the election results even when Jimmy Carter certifies them as free and fair. This is beyond disgusting; it is downright disturbing. It means that the same factions who tried to overthrow Chavecito in 2002-3 are still at it. They just don’t know when to call it a day and give in to democratic will. It would utterly demoralize them and rob their already meaningless lives of all purpose if they did. They would rather dedicate themselves to destruction than to construction. (Notice how they offer no plans whatsoever to build up the nation after they’re done wrecking it. That’s because they’re criminally incapable of making any.)
And, in the crowning irony, they call themselves “democratic”. This even though they can’t bear to recognize the repeatedly reiterated democratic will of the people: the constitution, the president, the electoral council, and all the other democratic institutions of the land. All of it might as well be trash for them to burn. Even the will of legitimate opposition party members means nothing to them. And a great many of those latter now plan to vote for Maduro, precisely because of punks like JAVU. In other words, this grand plan has already backfired on its would-be perpetrators.
These bullyboys would be more entertaining if they were less violent. They really are incredibly stupid, since their widdle plan is now known right down to the last detail, not only to the Venezuelan authorities, but to any English speaker who chances to read this silly little blog.
And if you, dear reader, still believe that they represent any legitimate democratic majority in Venezuela, just watch this space on Sunday the 14th and thereafter. That is, if you can bear to have your nose rubbed in it.