Fascist Brazilian president’s son has a small dick

Oh my, how embarrassing. And now, the whole world is going to find it out, because here it comes in English…

Patrícia Lélis, ex-girlfriend of Eduardo, the son of Jair Bolsonaro, decided to respond to a tweet by PC Siqueira on Twitter, in which he cited a post by Eduard talking about the “bad behavior” of his ex-girlfriend after she turned feminist.

In the post, he said that she began to do “bizarre” things, and that feminism was a disease.


Patrícia responded: “We women don’t deserve stupid men, pricks, who act like babies and who have a micropenis! Ha, that Bozo family…”

Translation mine. Here’s the tweet, for those who wonder if she really said that:

Yes, indeed she did. And it’s glorious.

So there you have it, folks. Fascist scions are underendowed, and not only in terms of their brains. Which would, no doubt, explain a LOT about their shitty politics!

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