Music for a Sunday: Just to see a smiling face again

I know I’ve featured this song in the past, but probably not this older version of it (with the piano instead of a troop of whistlers). Considering that there’s an uptick in recruiting in the Canadian armed forces, doubtless in response to Donnie’s insane threats to annex my home and native land, I think it’s more than a little appropriate right now.

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British journalist exposes true nature of Magdeburg market attacker

So, you may have heard that a man from Saudi Arabia deliberately crashed his car into a crowded holiday market in the eastern German city of Magdeburg yesterday. The death toll currently stands at five people, with at least 200 injured, 41 of them seriously. It’s not the first time something like this has happened in Germany, where open-air Christmas markets are a cheerful pre-holiday custom in many major cities — and where mass attackers can take advantage of the wide-open spaces and milling crowds to wreak as much havoc as possible.

At first glance, this seemed to be yet another Islamist terror attack. Much was made of the assailant’s ethnicity, his nationality and his refugee status, but when it comes to his motives, the media and the punditocracy have, predictably, been too slow in doing their job and given all the fascists plenty of room to spread lies and antisemitic propaganda about it.

Too bad for them, then, that a reporter who actually cares about the facts got on the story, and found out some rather inconvenient truths about Dr. Taleb al-Abdulmohsen:

There’s so much about this that is grimly funny, from the inconvenient fact that he is an ex-Muslim anti-theist (or New Atheist, in other words) to the very, very inconvenient fact that he idolizes Dutch fascist Geert Wilders, the same fucking guy who would probably like to see every last Arab in Europe exterminated. Oh, and he also loves Israel. He’s the sort of guy that sucked up to the far right in the hopes of finding acceptance among them, and instead, it turns out that they hate him for his ethnicity, not his religion. And they’re more than willing to use his terroristic acts to further their own fascistic goals, while simultaneously throwing him under the bus because he’s not white.

He’s also a psychiatrist, but he plainly hasn’t done any research into the psychology of fascism, or even taken a good look at how social media and YouTube comment sections go berserk about the evils of non-white foreigners whenever something like this happens. Nope, he figured that aligning himself with the hatemongers while at the same time using Islamist terror tactics was going to work well for him. Guess nobody told Taleb that tokens get spent, eh?

How bitterly, yet fittingly, ironic it all is.

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Charlie Angus kicks Donnie’s ass (and Petey Bunnyfur’s, too)

You know you’ve arrived when Meidas Touch — a fast-growing progressive news channel that’s got Donnie running scared — has deemed a speech from the House of Commons to be newsworthy south of the 49th Parallel. Ladies and gents (and yes, you too, dear Yanks), please give it up for Charlie Angus, NDP MP from Northern Ontario:

Note: the MP he keeps mentioning — not by name — is the leader of the disloyal opposition, Pierre Poilievre (or Petey Bunnyfur, from where I sit). And Charlie Angus is alluding to his career as a cabinet minister in the disreputable Conservative government of Stephen Harper, where Petey was one of several little short-pants boys who’ve never held an honest job, running around pissing on democracy and gutting public services and just generally trying to remake Canada into a lesser northern clone of the worst states in the Union. He failed at it last time around, and we’re doing our damnedest to make sure he never lives at 24 Sussex Drive.

Just as we’re going to be doing our damnedest to make sure Donnie never succeeds in his pipe-dream of annexing our country and stealing its resources, since it’s obvious that his MAGAmurrica will never be able to afford our retaliatory tariffs.

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Insurance CEO shooting motive discovered

Oh the horror! Oh the humanity! Headlines screamed: A cold-blooded murder in Manhattan! Insurance company CEO shot in the early morning, just as he was headed for an investor conference! Gunman still on the loose!

Well, I don’t know who the shooter is, but I think his motive for the (cough) crime he committed will be abundantly clear after you watch this short video:

Yes, that’s right — it’s DENIAL of coverage. And it gets even uglier when you see what’s behind that denial.

One criticism of UnitedHealthcare that has garnered attention following the shooting involves a lawsuit alleging the company uses artificial intelligence (AI) to deny coverage to some elderly patients who are on a Medicare Advantage plan, despite allegedly being aware that the algorithm has a 90 percent error rate.

The lawsuit was filed on November 14, 2023. It names UnitedHealth Group, UnitedHealthcare and NaviHealth as the defendants. It was brought by the families of two now-deceased patients who were denied coverage by UnitedHealthcare for stays at nursing homes. The suit is ongoing, and its claims have not been proved in court.

The lawsuit alleges the provider continues using the system because it knows that only about 0.2 percent of policyholders will appeal their denied claims and that the majority will “either pay out-of-pocket costs or forgo the remainder of their prescribed post-acute care.”

The suit says that UnitedHealthcare banks “on the patients’ impaired conditions, lack of knowledge, and lack of resources to appeal the erroneous AI-powered decisions.”

It goes on: “The fraudulent scheme affords Defendants a clear financial windfall in the form of policy premiums without having to pay for promised care, while the elderly are prematurely kicked out of care facilities nationwide or forced to deplete family savings to continue receiving necessary medical care, all because an AI model ‘disagrees’ with their real live doctors’ determinations.”

The suit says that an AI model was used to compare a patient’s diagnosis, age, living situation and physical function to similar patients to predict the person’s needs, estimated length of stay and target discharge date from care facilities.

That model, however, allegedly provided “generic recommendations” that did not “adjust for a patient’s individual circumstances and conflict with basic rules on what Medicare Advantage plans must cover,” according to the suit.

In May, UnitedHealth Group’s lawyers argued the suit should be dropped because the plaintiffs “failed to exhaust the exclusive administrative appeal process set by the Medicare Act,” reported the website Stat. They said the issues raised in the lawsuit are with the federal government, not UnitedHealth or its subsidiaries.

For instance, the lawsuit alleged that patients were “rarely” in a nursing home for more than two weeks before they started to receive payment denials, despite Medicare Advantage plans allowing patients who were in the hospital for three days to get up to 100 days in a nursing home.

The lawsuit also says that more than 90 percent of these denials that are appealed are ultimately reversed.

Moreover, US private insurers in general deny claims 16% of the time, on average; UnitedHealth was denying at least 32% of claims, double the industry average.

And that “ultimately reversed” only happens if people appeal in a timely manner. But a lot of them can’t, because they died as an immediate result of those denials. While an appeal may be timely for the insurer, it is far less so for the patient and their family. When some patients are even being wheeled out of operating rooms prematurely because the insurer won’t cover sufficient anesthesia for a proper completion of procedure, it’s safe to say that the real death panels are, and always have been, the bean-counters at corporate headquarters.

And in the case of UnitedHealth, those bean-counters are not only literally faceless, but not even human at all.

Did the shooter, or someone he knows and loves, get denied coverage for necessary healthcare by an AI bot? I don’t know that either, but I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if that turns out to be the case. At the very least, it would explain why he Sharpie’d “deny”, “defend”, and “depose” on his shell casings.

And while I sure do hope he never gets caught — well, on the off chance that he does, and gets his day in court, I really want to hear everything he has to say about why he did it. I’m sure it will be more than enlightening.

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Donnie plays a working man for Halloween

Happy end of October! And here, right in time for Halloween, is Donnie, looking more jack-o’-lanterny than ever:

Yep, his vest matches his makeup. And even without the added sound effects, it’s hilarious to see him fumble the door handle and nearly eat the tarmac before finally hauling his loaded diapers up and into the cab.

I just feel sorry for the actual working stiff who has to drive that truck, and whose cab is going to end up smelling worse than the contents of the bin. Now THAT’s scary!

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Evo’s narrow escape from a would-be assassin

Hey! It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? And hey again — it’s been a while since we’ve talked about Evo. What’s he been up to?

What else but going up against corruptos, cheating the Grim Reaper, and just generally being the world’s humblest badass. Check it out:

In short, just Evo’s usual. He’s been through this sort of thing before, probably so many times that he’s yawning at this point.

But there is one catch: This time, the assassins could be coming from inside the house, so to speak — according to him, they came on behalf of his own party’s current incumbent in the Palacio Quemado, Luis Arce. Who has been — well, let’s just say that he’s no Evo.

In fact, Arce’s been acting more like one of the opposition than one of the MAS party, and that’s why Evo’s running for president again in next year’s election, this time in opposition to him.

Arce’s approval rating is down to just 38%, and he’s already survived one coup attempt, by a renegade faction of the Bolivian military. He’s not the popular candidate that he was when he first took office.

Little wonder Evo is smelling blood. He’s won a constitutional challenge, too, so the “term limits” barrier is bunkum. He is within his rights to run, and he is doing so.

And moreover, he’s still the more popular guy by far. Which is probably why Arce & Co., in turn, have it in for him.

Now, it seems that they’re throwing all the half-cooked spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. Everything from accusations of corruption to statutory rape are being tried, and I’m skeptical of all of it. In this age of weaponized scandal, it’s the only way to be.

Watch this space, folks, it’s gonna get very interesting.

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Who shot at Donnie Drumpf?

Hey, everyone. Notice I didn’t just say “Who shot Donnie Drumpf?” That’s because Donnie wasn’t in fact shot. He was shot AT, for sure, and struck by shattered glass from a teleprompter that one of the stray bullets aimed in his general direction hit. That broken glass apparently nicked his right ear, and — luckily for him — that’s the only injury he sustained.

Others in the vicinity were less lucky. A 50-year-old firefighter, who was sitting behind Donnie at the rally where the shots were fired, was fatally injured by a bullet while trying to protect his family; two other attendees suffered serious injuries as well.

Meanwhile, the shooter’s identity had to be confirmed by DNA evidence, since the Secret Service took him down immediately (and made quite a mess of his head, so I’ve heard.) We now know who he is, though his motives are still unknown. And no, he was most certainly NO liberal, much less a Democrat. He was a registered Republican, and that’s only the beginning. He was also an aspiring sharpshooter who was anything but sharp at shooting.

Here’s Adam Mockler with some revealing details about his life, as recalled by his former high-school classmates:

Imagine that! The guy who missed Donnie was a lousy shot, so much so that his high school rifle team rejected him. Seems that he hadn’t improved significantly at shooting since then, either.

It’s also worth noting that the $15 donor to ActBlue, whom the right-wingers have been crowing about, was NOT the shooter, but a 69-year-old man with a similar name. Plus, this guy had a “Trump” sign in his yard. So, the “he was a Democrat” rumor can now be laid to rest.

As for the shooter’s motives, those remain unknown at this time. Let’s hope someone gets to the bottom of that.

PS: If you think Donnie deserves ANY sympathy for his narrow escape, please put that thought firmly out of mind. Here’s a leaked video of him on the phone with Bobby Kennedy Jr., the Kennedy scion turned anti-vax lunatic (and third-party spoiler candidate), immediately after the shooting. Does this sound like a man worth even a drop of empathy in the moment, much less a sympathy vote?

Nope, nothing in there but the usual chronic, pathological, terminal narcissism. Par for the course of someone whose first act, upon nearly being killed, was to literally grandstand over the heads of his own protective detail and urge his delusional followers to “fight, fight, FIGHT!”

Not the faintest expression of concern for the people who were hurt and killed at his rally. Nope, he didn’t call any of the victims’ families to express concern over their lost and suffering loved ones. He called a fucking quack with an extensive history of vile behavior. Not the faintest concern for anyone but himself, as usual.

If there is any takeaway from this whole episode, it’s this: Donnie doesn’t give a shit about the widow of a man who took a bullet meant for him. He doesn’t care about the health of anyone’s children, because he doesn’t know shit about viruses or vaccines. But he’s happy to take whatever aid he can from whatever craven sycophant is willing to glom onto his diaper-clad ass.

“Great Again” was never great to begin with.

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Left coalition wins big in French run-off

Liberté, égalité, fraternité…et la victoire de l’unité? Mais oui! Le voici…

Pardonnez mon anglais, but DAMN. That’s some real beauté right there!

I was biting my nails on the first round, when it looked like Nazism was going to be making a comeback in France after nearly 80 years of freedom. Marine Le Pen, for those unaware, is the nepo baby of a man who had no problem associating with the old (and defeated) Nazis, after all. She’s a neo-Nazi in all but name, because these nouveaux fascistes are cowardly little shits who haven’t got the guts to wear their swastikas out in the open and take their fessées for it. She really has been making an effort to get in under the radar and turn France into something no decent person would even recognize. She may not be her party’s official head, but she is its driving force. So her party’s strong showing on the first ballot was a disturbing wake-up call.

Fortunately, the French have ears like lynxes for that sort of thing. This is the country that guillotined its last king, after all. And it is still the country that most frequently grinds to a halt when mass social discontent takes hold.

So what did the French left do to stop the next Nazi takeover of their land? What leftists everywhere should do but too often don’t — namely, put aside their partisan ideological quibbles and band together as a broad front to defeat fascism. (This is, incidentally, the very thing the German left also neglected to do in the 1930s. Anyone could have foreseen how THAT would end, but everyone was just running around with eyes shut and fingers in ears. And Germans have been paying for it, literally as well as figuratively, ever since.)

You can’t imagine how much I wish this broad-front left unity would happen in more countries, including my home and native land. We, too, are facing a fascist backlash right now. We’ve got pundits proclaiming a Toronto by-election (in a wealthy riding, which is the detail they keep glossing over) to be “a referendum on the Trudeau Liberals”, which in fact it is not. And the drums are now beating for a new election call, one in which a weaselly little con man who has been seen shaking hands with actual neo-Nazis would win.

I’m sick of our media’s blatant right-wing sympathies, and also of holding my nose and voting for the increasingly disappointing Liberals just because the NDP has never won my riding. I would really like to see a new progressive coalition kick this whole mess to the curb before a modern Hitler does to Canada what the OG monster did to my ancestral Germany, with the media seal-clapping its approval all the way.

Anyhow, blah blah blah: Catastrophe averted, at least in France. We can all breathe again. Tomorrow, we need to buckle down and learn from the French example. It would behoove us to be a bit less British, and a lot more French.

Oh, and maestro? A little musique, s’il vous plaît.

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Former Israeli security chief says the unthinkable

You think you’ve heard everything, and then something comes and smacks you upside the head with the fact that you ain’t heard NOTHIN’ yet. Sam and Emma have an incredible clip for us:

“We shall not have security as long as we shall not end the occupation…and we shall not have democracy as long as we shall not end the occupation.”

Translation: No justice, no peace in the Middle East.

What Israel’s doing to Palestine is a gross injustice that strips away all entitlement for them to call themselves “the only democracy in the Middle East” (which was always a bald-face lie anyway) and their armed forces, “the most moral army in the world” (which they never were and should never have harbored the illusion of being — just ask the survivors of the USS Liberty attack if you don’t believe me!)

Cue the outraged right-wing media shitgibbons and hasbaratchiks of AIPAC, howling for Ami Ayalon’s blood. Clearly the man is in the pay of Hamas.

Oh wait, he’s NOT? He’s the former head of the dreaded Shin Bet, Israel’s equivalent of the FBI? He used to work for Bibi Netanyahu himself? He’s the guy who understands, possibly better than anyone in the whole country, what a security risk it is for them to go on oppressing and trying to wipe out Palestinians?

Well. THAT’s embarrassing.

But not nearly as embarrassing as it’s going to be if Bibi keeps trying to pretend that the proposed ceasefire was his idea, when anyone with a working eye can see that it’s not. Or if he goes on trying to pretend that he actually wants peace, when what he really wants is to turn Gaza from the world’s largest open-air concentration camp to the world’s priciest beachfront real estate.

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Fascist coup attempt foiled in Bolivia

Al Jazeera has some good analysis and backgrounder on today’s failed coup attempt in Bolivia. Apparently a renegade general with a bad reputation even within the armed forces has tried and failed to seize power over the (admittedly weak) democratically elected government of Luis Arce. And that general, in turn, has ties to the Santa Cruz far right, who have repeatedly tried (and failed) to oust Evo Morales in the past. Seems that oligarchs don’t give up as long as there’s money to be made, and money to be paid (in this case, to the corrupto who was only too happy to be bought, seeing as he didn’t get what he wanted from the presidente.)

Now, are these the same religious fascists who made that creepy little finger-cross sign when they swore in their fake government the last time they lashed out against Evo? Or are they some new cult? Is Elon Musk behind this coup too, or is it another home-grown bum that we’ve probably seen here before? And are the CIA and/or Mossad also somehow involved?

Questions, questions. I’ll be ferreting around for answers. Stay tuned…

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