Category Archives: Isn’t It Ironic?

Heeeeere, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Ash Sarkar dissects the latest right-wing moral panic over something that doesn’t really exist — i.e., kids who identify as animals. It’s especially hilarious when “journalists” start offering to pay for accounts by supposedly exasperated parents of such children. It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Bullies, Crapagandarati, Dweebs, Fascism WITH Swastikas, Fascism Without Swastikas, Filthy Stinking Rich, Freeze Peach!, Guns, Guns, Guns, Human Rights FAIL, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Racist?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Kittehs, Kooks, Merry Old England, Newspeak is Nospeak, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Teh Ghey, The Hardcore Stupid, The Trans, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on Heeeeere, kitty, kitty, kitty.

Hubris sinks the Titan, just as it did the Titanic (and the other Titan!)

Back in 1898, Morgan Robertson published The Wreck of the Titan: Or, Futility — a novel depicting the sinking of an “unsinkable” ocean liner, of then-unprecedented size and “innovative” safety features that are touted as infallible, but which collectively prove … Continue reading

Posted in Filthy Stinking Rich, If You REALLY Care, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Law-Law Land, Men Who Just Don't Get It, She Blinded Me With Science, The "Well, DUH!" Files, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia, The WTF? Files | Comments Off on Hubris sinks the Titan, just as it did the Titanic (and the other Titan!)

Neo-Nazi terror group caught selling fake hormones as part of anti-trans psy-op

I first caught wind of this icky plot a couple of days ago, when Vaush posted this video: Minus the YouTube-necessitated censorship, the title reads: “Don’t buy the e-pills from Twitter! They will kill you and Nazis made them!” Someone … Continue reading

Posted in Drrrrruuuugs, Fascism WITH Swastikas, Fascism Without Swastikas, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Karma 1, Dogma 0, Pissing Jesus Off, Professional Phobes, Schadenfreude, She Blinded Me With Science, Sick Frickin' Bastards, Stupid Sex Tricks, The Trans, The United States of Amnesia, The WTF? Files | Comments Off on Neo-Nazi terror group caught selling fake hormones as part of anti-trans psy-op

Office furniture company uses body-shaming to discourage working from home

Of all the dumb things I’ve heard from panic-mongers since COVID began, this is some of the absolute dumbest. David Doel of The Rational National breaks it down: Notice how the furniture company ad uses a model that looks like … Continue reading

Posted in Crapagandarati, Epidumbics, Isn't It Ironic?, Madvertising, The WTF? Files, Yes, I Really Cook! | Comments Off on Office furniture company uses body-shaming to discourage working from home

Think Repugs aren’t fascist? Think again.

It’s taken the experts awhile (think 20 whole fucking years), but finally, at least some of them are saying what I’ve been saying here all along. Namely, that the former party of Lincoln has come out the anus of Mussolini: … Continue reading

Posted in Der Drumpf, Fascism Without Swastikas, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Impeachable?, Isn't That Racist?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Schadenfreude, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on Think Repugs aren’t fascist? Think again.

How far will homphobes go to push their agenda?

Remember Vicky Hartzler, the former Repug congresscritter who whined and howled in the legislature about the evil “agenda” of LGBT+ people who just want to live, love, and be left in peace? Well, she’s out of office at the moment, … Continue reading

Posted in Bullies, Fascism Without Swastikas, Isn't It Ironic?, Kooks, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Pissing Jesus Off, Teh Ghey, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on How far will homphobes go to push their agenda?

Yet another public homophobe gets busted for most predictable reason ever

Hey! Remember Ethan Schmidt, that “Christian” guy (note quotes, there for a reason) who harasses chemo patients in wig shops and retail employees over Pride flags and merchandise, and tries to monetize it by posting his stupidities to the internets? … Continue reading

Posted in Crapagandarati, Credit Where Due, Do As I Say..., Dweebs, Epidumbics, Fascism Without Swastikas, Grifters, Isn't It Ironic?, Kooks, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Pissing Jesus Off, Professional Phobes, Schadenfreude, Sick Frickin' Bastards, Teh Ghey, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on Yet another public homophobe gets busted for most predictable reason ever

Who is funding this “university”?

Hey! Remember Bari Weiss’s vanity “university” (note quotes, there for a reason)? Surprisingly, it’s not dead yet. But maybe it will soon die of shame. The Majority Report crew has made a stunning finding, which may not surprise you so … Continue reading

Posted in Bullies, Crapagandarati, Do As I Say..., Fascism WITH Swastikas, Fascism Without Swastikas, Filthy Stinking Rich, Grifters, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Kooks, Law-Law Land, Newspeak is Nospeak, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Professional Phobes, Shysters, The Hardcore Stupid, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on Who is funding this “university”?

January 6, 2021–Dear Diary: Felt cute today. Might commit terrorism later.

Welp, looks like somebody’s not as cute as she thought she was, now. Her ex-boyfriend identified her to the FBI, and she’s been ID’d — pink beret, faux pearls, ribbon bow, UwU and all: And if that’s not sweet enough … Continue reading

Posted in Der Drumpf, Fascism WITH Swastikas, Fascism Without Swastikas, Fine Young Cannibals, Isn't It Ironic?, Isn't That Illegal?, Isn't That Racist?, Isn't That Terrorism?, Law-Law Land, Schadenfreude, The United States of Amnesia | Comments Off on January 6, 2021–Dear Diary: Felt cute today. Might commit terrorism later.

Stupid Sex Tricks: Purity culture run amuck

David Pakman has found something that will make you yell “What? Dafuq???“ all day long: Yeah. That’s right. Thanks to the idiocy that is purity culture, this clueless Christian couple were so ignorant about orgasms and how (cis) women’s bodies … Continue reading

Posted in Crapagandarati, Do As I Say..., Fascism Without Swastikas, Fetus Fetishists, Isn't It Ironic?, Karma 1, Dogma 0, Law-Law Land, Not So Compassionate Conservatism, Pissing Jesus Off, Professional Phobes, Sick Frickin' Bastards, Stupid Sex Tricks, Teh Heterostoopid, The United States of Amnesia, The WTF? Files | Comments Off on Stupid Sex Tricks: Purity culture run amuck